It was so good to be back in Barcelona at the end of November after what seemed like an eternity. Barcelona has always had a special place in my heart and I was truly delighted to have the opportunity to return to the capital of Catalunya and reacquaint myself with this magical city.

The last ‘Quality English’ mission actually took place there back in 2018 (nearly 4 years ago to the day) which at the time marked QE’s 100th Agent Workshop. The event was celebrated with a fabulous Gala dinner for agents and schools to mark the occasion.

This year, CELT had been given the opportunity to sponsor the event which gave my wife (Grace) and I the chance to talk to the attendees about our language school and highlight the benefits of people studying in Wales. Our school was the first British Council accredited language school in Cardiff and is the longest esablished language school teaching English in the city (CELT was founded in 1989).

The agent turnout was very healthy at the workshop and it was great to see colleagues new and old from various parts of Spain in attendance. After the introduction by Jonathan Swindell, QE’s Chief Executive, Óscar Porras, President of ASEPROCE the Spanish agent association, addressed attendees and provided a great insight into the current agent/student market in Spain, highlighting current trends in the market along with its expectations.

All in all the event was thoroughly worthwhile so just hope it won’t take another 4 years to return there!

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